
Design is the process of envisioning and planning the creation of objects, systems, or interactions, focusing on aesthetics, functionality, and usability to meet specific needs. It’s a deliberate approach that bridges creativity and innovation to solve problems and improve experiences.

Demystifying Design

In the corporate world, design often refers to the visual and functional elements of a company’s products, services, and communication materials, such as logos, packaging, websites, and marketing materials. It is often seen as a key aspect of brand identity and is used to create a consistent look and feels that distinguishes the company from its competitors.

Public-domain example: Apple Inc. is known for its sleek and innovative design, which has become synonymous with the brand. The company’s products, such as the iPhone, iPad, and Mac computers, are known for their minimalist and intuitive design, making them easy to use and aesthetically pleasing.

For Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), design can be an important tool for differentiating their products and services and creating a strong brand identity. In an increasingly competitive market, good design can help SMEs stand out and attract customers.

Public-domain example: Patagonia is a clothing and gear company that is known for its sustainable and responsible business practices. In terms of design, the company’s products are functional, durable, and aesthetically pleasing, making them appealing to customers who value quality and sustainability.

In startups, design plays a critical role in the development and success of a product or service. Startups often have limited resources and must create products that are both functional and appealing to users in order to succeed. Good design can help startups create a unique brand identity and make a lasting impression on potential customers. Additionally, user-centred design practices can help startups validate their ideas and create products that effectively solve the problems of their target users.

Public-domain example: Airbnb is a great example of a startup that used design to disrupt the traditional hospitality industry. The company’s user-centered approach to design resulted in a simple, easy-to-use platform that made it easier for people to rent out their homes to travelers. Airbnb’s distinctive logo and brand design have become recognizable symbols of the sharing economy.



Conceptual design refers to the ability to generate ideas and concepts that are relevant, unique, and compelling. This includes skills in brainstorming, mind mapping, and visualization.

Benefits: Enables the creation of unique, relevant and compelling ideas and concepts that can differentiate an organization from its competitors.
Challenges: Balancing creativity with feasibility and meeting business requirements.
Opportunities: Allows designers to explore new and innovative approaches to solving problems and creating products.
Examples: Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan, Apple’s iconic logo. Formula2GX’s “PassionatelyPurposeful” slogan which is supported by the empathetic approach of working with diverse capabilities and inclusive community of people.

User research and analysis:

Research and analysis in design refers to the ability to gather, analyze, and interpret data and information related to a design project. This capability involves skills in research methods, data analysis, and interpretation to inform the design process and make informed decisions.

Research and analysis can include market research, user research, design analysis, and competitor analysis, among others. The goal of research and analysis in design is to gain a deeper understanding of the project’s context, users, and design objectives, which can inform and guide the design process.

Benefits: Provides a deep understanding of user needs, market trends, and other relevant factors that can inform design decisions and improve overall design quality.
Challenges: Ensuring data quality and accuracy, and aligning research with the business goals.
Opportunities: Offers the ability to uncover new opportunities and insights that can drive innovation and growth.
Examples: Google’s user-centered approach to design, IDEO’s human-centered design process.

Service Design

A design approach that focuses on improving the overall customer experience through the design of products, services, and customer journeys. Service Design is often used in digital transformation projects to improve customer experience, increase customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.

Benefits: Helps design and improve the overall customer experience of a company’s products and services.
Challenges: Balancing the need for consistency and quality with the need for flexibility and innovation, and ensuring that service design is accessible and usable for all customers.
Opportunities: Offers the ability to create customer experiences that are memorable, engaging, and that improve customer loyalty and satisfaction.
Examples: Amazon’s seamless customer experience, Uber’s innovative ride-hailing service.

Business Design

Business design refers to the use of design thinking and design-led methods to drive business innovation, growth, and value creation. It involves a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving that integrates creativity, strategy, and technology to create new business models, products, services, and experiences.

Business Design is often used in digital transformation projects to create new revenue streams, improve operational efficiency, and drive business growth.

Benefits of business design include increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, enhanced competitiveness, and improved operational efficiency. By applying design thinking to business, organizations can identify and solve complex problems, create new value propositions, and differentiate themselves in the market.

Challenges in implementing business design can include resistance to change, limited resources, and the need to align design efforts with business goals and strategies. Additionally, the interdisciplinary nature of business design can require coordination and collaboration across departments and functions, which can be difficult to achieve.

Opportunities for business design exist across a range of industries, from startups to established enterprises, and can be leveraged to drive digital transformation, create new revenue streams, and improve business outcomes.

Examples of companies that have successfully leveraged business design include Apple, IDEO, Airbnb, and Amazon, among others. These companies have used design thinking and design-led methods to develop innovative products, services, and experiences that have disrupted traditional industries and created new markets.

Game Design

Designing game mechanics, player experiences, and storylines for games.

Skills required: Game mechanics, player experience, storytelling, level design and prototyping.


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Design for Sustainability

The ability to consider the environmental impact of a design solution and create designs that are environmentally responsible, socially responsible, and economically feasible.

Skills required include an understanding of sustainable design principles, life cycle analysis, and environmentally responsible materials and processes.

Benefits: Encourages resource conservation, reducing waste and environmental impact
Supports the development of environmentally responsible products and services
Can improve the reputation of a company and attract customers who value sustainable practices
Can lead to cost savings through more efficient use of resources

May require a shift in design practices, processes, and materials
Requires a good understanding of environmental impact and life cycle analysis
Balancing sustainability goals with design requirements, cost constraints, and customer expectations

The increasing demand for environmentally friendly products and services provides an opportunity for companies to differentiate themselves
Designing for sustainability can lead to innovative solutions that solve multiple problems


Patagonia, an outdoor clothing and gear company, is well known for its commitment to sustainability, including using environmentally friendly materials and supporting sustainable farming practices
IKEA’s “Better Life” initiative focuses on creating products with sustainability in mind, including using renewable materials and reducing waste during production
Tesla’s electric vehicles are an example of sustainable design, reducing emissions and promoting a shift towards clean energy.

Accessibility Design

One key design capability we are developing and encouraging all our clients to have is to think of Accessibility.

Accessibility Design refers to the practice of designing products, environments, and services to be usable by people with disabilities or other limitations. The aim is to create inclusive and barrier-free experiences that meet the needs of all users, regardless of their abilities.

Benefits of Accessibility Design:

Improved user experience and satisfaction for people with disabilities or limitations
Increased market reach and customer base
Compliance with legal requirements and regulations (such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG))
Improved reputation and brand image
Better SEO ranking
Challenges of Accessibility Design:

Lack of awareness or expertise in accessibility design
Inadequate resources for accessibility design and testing
Technological constraints or limitations
Challenges in retrofitting existing designs for accessibility
Balancing accessibility requirements with other design constraints such as usability and aesthetics
Opportunities of Accessibility Design:

Emerging technologies, such as AI and machine learning, are providing new tools and solutions for accessibility design
Growing demand from customers and stakeholders for inclusive and accessible products and services
A growing pool of talented designers and developers with expertise in accessibility design
Examples of companies that have successfully implemented accessibility design:

Microsoft – Microsoft has made accessibility a priority in its products, services, and design practices. The company has also established an Inclusive Design initiative to promote accessibility and inclusion in design.
Google – Google has made accessibility a core part of its design philosophy and has implemented accessibility features across its products, including the Google Assistant and Google Maps.
Bank of America – Bank of America has made accessibility a priority in its digital banking services, offering features such as screen readers and voice commands for users with disabilities.

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